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Handle-making machines

Handle application machines
The DM Pack BEL series automatic handle-making machines are ideal for applying handles to single or multipack products, in order to offer a secure, strong and comfortable grip. They can work with pre-cut, customised handles or even laminate adhesive and cardboard to cut out custom handles.
General characteristics
The BEL series machines automatically affix handles to shrink-wrapped bundles, cardboard boxes, Tetra Briks, rolls of paper or products packaged in other rigid packages. They can apply different types of handles, coupled with transparent adhesive tape: pre-cut cardboard, pre-handled tape reels and paper or polypropylene reel handles. Four models are available and they provide an output of up to 25, 40, 60, 80 packs per minute, respectively, depending on pack size.
Specific characteristics
The BEL handle-making machines have become even more versatile by allowing reels of paper or polypropylene tape to be used. The paper or polypropylene tape reels can be coloured or customised with advertising prints, to personalise the packaging. In this way, production downtime can also be reduced.
Packaged product examples

tissue manigliatrice





and many others...
Details handle-making machines

Box pre-cutting and box storage system.

Double reel holder for adhesive tape.

Double reel holder for box reels. Optional: handles on reel.

Easily accessed.

Intralox conveyors.

Fast format change with metric rulers.

Can be integrated with most packaging lines.

Adjustable speed and formats.
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